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Ensemble “VerrasSing” Madieke Marjon Schoots, Joline soomers, Christina Petrou.
Corona lockdown!! Three sopranos started to cheer up people in care centers! August 12, 2020: The sopranos Christina Petrou, Madieke Marjon Schoots and Joline Soomers are giving small corona proof concerts in care centers and open air terraces with the name “VerrasSing”. Click HERE and scroll down the page to see how the ensemble “VerrasSing” started during the Corona lockdown.
During the concert series of André Rieu on the Vrijthof, in July 2022, “VerrasSing” performed three concerts in the historic Cellebroederskapel in Maastricht. Below a photo impression. The ladies also surprised us with a tap dance show.
June 2nd 2024 Giant Parade 2024 A procession of Giants is traditionally held in Maastricht every 5 years. Last Sunday, June 2nd, we sang 'Mie Leef Mestreech' (My dear Maastricht) on the opening float of the Giant Parade 2024 with Frank Steijns on a mobile carillon!
Above: from left to right: Eric Jaspers as “the City Jester” (click HERE), Christina Petrou, Joline Soomers, Madieke Schoots, Frank Steijns. Picture below: Giant GIGANTUS.