André Rieu turns 75 October 1st 2024
Limburger, 25 Sept. 2024. By Ronald Colée. Photo credits: Marcel van Hoorn. Translated by Ineke, edited by Diana D. Le André Rieu, who is almost celebrating his 75th birthday, is editor-in- chief of this Margriet Magazine for a while: “Too bad about that ‘extra thick’ yellow sticker on the photo” André Rieu will turn 75 on Tuesday 1 October 2024, but on Wednesday afternoon 25 September, a first “Lang zal hij leven” (Dutch Happy Birthday song) was already heard in Maastricht. In the garden of his Huis De Torentjes, the orchestra leader unveiled a special edition of the weekly magazine Margriet. The magazine was compiled by himself and his wife Marjorie. Leave the party to him. Whether it is the Vrijthof, the MECC or, as is the case now, the garden of his Huis De Torentjes, everything is taken care of down to the last detail. From the drinks to the balloons. André Rieu will be 75 next Tuesday and for that reason the Maastricht orchestra leader has been allowed to take on the editorship of the magazine Margriet for a while. All female members of the Johann Strauss Orchestra have therefore been invited to attend the launch of this special edition this Wednesday afternoon – dressed in festive pastel shades. As have media representatives from home and abroad. The usual suspects such as Shownieuws and De Telegraaf/Privé, but also the German ARD, Bild Zeitung, and bTV from Bulgaria. "And PBS from Malta has submitted written questions," says Rieu spokesperson Marie von Baumbach. Musical sounds And Rieu would not be Rieu if he did not treat his guests to musical sounds. This time not from his own Johann Strauss Orchestra but from Harmonie (Brass Band) Sint Petrus en Paulus. The music group from Wolder (district of Maastricht) managed to get eighty people on their feet on a regular Wednesday afternoon at half past three. After their entrance with the “Hoch Heidecksburg Marsch” a “Lang zal hij leven” (Long may he live) soon followed.
Together with Margriet editor-in-chief Helene van Santen, André Rieu unveils the cover of the weekly magazine that was co-compiled by him and his wife Marjorie on the occasion of his 75th birthday.
Editor-in-chief Helen van Santen admits that Rieu had been on her list for a long time. "So this 75th birthday was an ideal occasion." "The only thing was not the release date," Rieu counters wittily. "Two days after returning from Bogotá... But here we are." Van Santen still remembers the first brainstorming session at Rieu's home in Maastricht. "Where we had made a purple mood board for this special issue." "That just happens to be the color I absolutely hate," Rieu jokes, which again makes the audience laugh. Serial The Maastricht native explains that he said yes partly because of the history of the 86-year-old magazine. "We also read Margriet at home. At that time, it still contained the serial Angélique. Quite an exciting story for that time, because it was my first introduction to the romanticism that would later play such a defining role in my life." While the guests are treated to a piece of birthday cake, Van Santen admits that Rieu and his wife Marjorie really got involved in every production down to the last detail. "They were super committed. We have a number of fixed items in our magazine and they gave their own interpretation to everything. For example, for the subject "green" we were allowed to take a look at his vegetable garden and for the subject "travel" he described the most beautiful places in Rome, his favorite city abroad."
Van Santen says that her editors started working on the Rieu issue in February. "In April, we already had the first photo shoots because we had to plan them around his busy tour schedule. And I think that in total hundreds of e-mails were sent back and forth. But better that, one comma too many removed, than one too few." Extra thick When the cover of the magazine is revealed to all those present – including Emma Kok, but also the Maastricht Duo X-Elle – Rieu jokes again: “It’s just a shame about that sticker ‘Extra thick’ on my photo.” He is supported by Dorrie Satijn and Marie-Ange Castermans, the duo that was allowed to run in front of the bull during the Vrijthof concerts this year. Castermans with a wink: “That should actually have been X- Elle.” After two hours, the first birthday event is over. A festivity that will continue this coming weekend with a party for friends, on Tuesday itself with Marjorie and the children, and the weekend after that during a two- day outing with all the orchestra employees and their families. “Are you all thinking of taking home a goodie bag and a box of violets?” In honor of André Rieu's 75th birthday, De Limburger has published a book about the life and work of the Maastricht maestro. That book can be ordered here via our webshop (the book is only available in Dutch language):
Harmonie St. Petrus & Paulus will perform a serenade for André Rieu, who will turn 75 on Tuesday, October 1.
Rieu applauds with those present for Harmonie St. Petrus & Paulus.