Carmen Monarcha, Soprano, page 6.
July 25, 2020. Instagram Live Chat Carmen Monarcha (from Brazil) and Carla Maffioletti (from the Netherlands). The chat was mainly in Portuguese and a little bit in English. Both Carmen and Carla hail from Brazil. (It is not recorded).
Click HERE to go to Carmen Monarcha, page 5. Click HERE to go to Carmen Monarcha, page 1.
August 30, 2020. Carmen Monarcha on Facebook. From Carmen's Facebook account today: "Thank you all so much for all the messages for my birthday (Aug.27th)! My friends and fans are the best ones I could wish for. Sorry for not being so active in my social media lately but even taking good care, me and my whole family was infected by the Corona virus. We’re fine under medical care but mostly the children need all the attention now. Soon I’ll be back to my normal posts of voice music and emotion. Take care!!"
Christmas 2020.
Victor’s third birthday in 2021.
Octavio and Catharina, in 2022.
2021: Carmen’s mother Marina turns 88.
Two Brasilian sopranos and friends. Carla Maffioletti and Carmen Monarcha.
October 26, 2022. Marina Monarcha has passed away. Message on Facebook by Rudolfo Schneider, host of the fanclub “Amigos e admiradores de Carmen Monarcha” (Friends and admirers of Carmen Monarcha). “It is with great sadness that we report the passing of Mrs. Marina Monarcha, mother of our dear friend Carmen Monarcha. The main incentive of her daughter's career, Mrs. Marina leaves a great legacy of contribution to Brazilian lyrical art as a singer and teacher. May God keep her in his Kingdom”. Our deepest condolences go out to Carmen, Octavio, children and other family. Ruud and Ineke.
December 6th 2022: Carmen Monarcha on Instagram. She explained her situation in Portuguese. Rudolfo Schneider told us in English what had happened. "Carmen had surgery to cure chronic sinusitis. She had just left the surgery center and is doing very well." Thank you Rudolfo! We wish Carmen a speedy recovery!
January 2023. We decided to stop the Carmen Monarcha pages on this website. This is a fan website for André Rieu and the members of the Johann Strauss Orchestra, and it is growing bigger all the time. So, we decided to stop creating more pages for soloists who left the Johann Strauss Orchestra. Carmen was a beloved soprano with the group (first in the choir, later as a soloist) from 2002 - 2019 and she had great chemistry with André, performing her songs. Since she has left the Orchestra in 2019, married Octavio and got two children in Brazil, we decided to stop now with the Carmen pages on our movies site. In the meantime the years have passed and it is now 2023. We have collected 6 pages on this site about Carmen and her career. We, of course, will keep following her, her career and her family via her website, Facebook and Instagram, since she was and always will be in our hearts. Currently the children turned 5 (Victor) and 3 (Catharina) and we wish her a wonderful future. We say goodbye to Carmen and Octavio and blow them a kiss from Holland. In 2023 Carmen indicated that she wanted to restart her singing career in April 2023 with a masterclass in Brazil.