Carmen Monarcha Soprano, page 4
Carmen Monarcha and Octavio Augusto Oliviera were married in Sao Paulo, Brazil,  on July 31st 2016. Thanks to Rudolfo for the photos (some taken from his videos).
Edna and Rudolfo Schneider were invited to represent the fans. Rudolfo hosts the Facebook fan group: “Amigos e admiradores de Carmen Monarcha”.
Rudolfo and Edna Schneider with Carmen’s mother Marina Monarcha.
July 30, 2016. Carmen needs our help with this marvelous new CD project “AMORE”. You will receive your chosen rewards in your home, once the project is completed. Only until September 2016 to make your contribution. Click on the kickante link: , and select your contribution. You could also click HERE (on Carmen’s signing session in Maastricht 2016) to read how you can support Carmen’s new CD project. For non-Brazilian participants, follow the seven easy steps in English at the bottom of the (kickante) page, and select your contribution payable with PayPal. Carmen has made a video, telling you more about the project - which you can see on her Facebook pages.
Click HERE to return to page 3 or HERE to go to page 5
On April 1st 2017, Carmen Monarcha released her new CD AMORE in a cultural bookstore in Sao Paulo, Brazil. Of course our Brazilian friends Angela, Marlene, Suely, Ariane, Edna and Rudolfo Schneider were there! We thank them very much for the photos and video recordings. Watch the video: Carmen in duet with Mirusia Louwerse: “You raise me up”.
To order this beautiful CD, go to Carmen’s website:
August 7, 2017: NEWS: From Facebook, announcement by Carmen Monarcha and Octavio Augusto Oliveira: Dear friends and fans, We're very happy to announce the arrival of a new light in our lives: we're pregnant!! We're blessed by God to make a new life out of our love!! May it grow strong and make us even stronger as persons. Congratulations Carmen and Octavio, we are so happy for you!
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