L1, Sept. 29, 2023.
Translation by Ineke, edited by Diana D. Le.
In Limburg, we have relatively many people who can resuscitate someone. Yet it is never enough and
everyone should actually be able to save lives. This is the opinion of the CPR Relay Foundation, which this
time drew attention to resuscitation skills at the Bernard Lievegoed College in Maastricht.
André Rieu is ambassador of the relay.
André Rieu has never resuscitated anyone himself, but hopes to be saved in this way if necessary. "Yes, it
is nice if people around you can save you. I hope to convey that enthusiasm," said the Maastricht violinist
on Friday at the fifteenth edition of the resuscitation relay. During this relay, extra attention is paid to the
importance of resuscitation. And that is not unimportant. "Awareness has increased due to this relay," says
chairman Jack van Oppen of the Limburg resuscitation relay. "The number of survivors has increased by 30
This Friday, the relay will take place at the Bernard Lievegoed College in Maastricht. Rieu is present as
ambassador. "I've never had to perform CPR myself," he says. "I do remember that we used to leave a trail
of destruction when we played with our salon orchestra in retirement homes. I have often experienced that
someone had to be resuscitated. That is why I became an ambassador. I want to be able to do it myself."
Young people
Experts in the field of cardiovascular health from the Heart/Vascular Center of the Maastricht UMC+ (The
Maastricht University Medical Center plus is a partnership between the Maastricht academic hospital and
the Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences), will give lectures and workshops on various topics
during the resuscitation relay. There are workshops on thrombosis, cardiac arrhythmias and laboratory
research and lectures on blood and the relationship between art and the heart. The students also receive
information about working at the MUMC+, so that they become acquainted with the different professions
they can pursue in the hospital. Mr. Van Oppen thinks that it is therefore important that young people learn
CPR. He says: "I think they will take it very seriously after today. Especially because there are also
survivors who come to tell their stories.”
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Wednesday, December 13th 2023.
André organizes a CPR course in his (empty)
Christmas palace in the MECC, for 2000 children,
in between his concerts.
He performed five Christmas concerts and the Christmas village in
the MECC on Saturday and Sunday 9 and 10 December, and
Friday, Saturday and Sunday 15, 16, 17 December 2023.
On the wednesday in between he made the hall available for
resuscitation classes for children.
The Orchestra played the “Staying alive” song for the correct pace,
and as a surprise Emma Kok treated the children to a Christmas
song. Click on the picture and try whether the link to Instagram will
open for you.