The Maastricht soccer team MVV is wearing this
T-shirt during the month of October 2024.
New CD+bonus DVD,
the Sound of Heaven
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Three different videos in Dutch which we merged into one video. Duration: 8.5 minutes. Dates: 25-28
September 2024. Translated by Ineke, edited by Sonja Harper, subtitles added by Ruud.
October 9th: Announcement on Social Media “Emma will be touring with us for another year!”
De Telegraaf /Privé: Interview by Jordi Versteegden
L1/ De Limburger, News item, by Jo Cortenraedt
On the occasion of André's birthday, there were many articles and interviews in the
press and media. Below an impression. Ticket sales for the first 4 Vrijthof concerts in
July 2025, start at his birthday, October 1st, 2024, at 12 pm (CET).
Merchandise: MVV shirt.
Announcement on
September 28, 2024
Vrijthof Concert Tickets for
3,4,5,6, July 2025 go on sale on
Tuesday October 1st 2024,
at 12 pm (CET).
To order this shirt (€79,99):
Click on the link above
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Button: “In Winkelwagen” (in shopping cart)
Button: “Nu Afronden” (Finish now)
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City, Zipcode, Street, house number)
then press “Volgende” (Next) for payment
Note: Selecting another country than The
Netherlands, may involve additional shipping costs.
Declaration of Love.
Source: Margriet Magazine.
On November 15th André Rieu's new album The
Sound of Heaven will be released, with a selection
of the most beautiful and romantic pieces of music
of all time and a bonus DVD with beautiful
fragments of André's concerts.
André: "I hope these melodies will touch your
hearts as they have touched mine. It is a
declaration of love to all my fans and I hope it
gives you all hope and joy all over the world."
The album can be pre-ordered from October 4th
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Congratulation video by Chapeau Magazine.
Emile Roemer, King’s commissioner of Limburg.
Weekly magazines. Click HERE for Margriet articles.
Posted by Pierre on Instagram: littleandreofficial
Part of the animated series, currently being worked on.
Here we see dog Robbie, apparently also a dwarf poodle.
De Limburger, October 1st 2024, by Ronald Colée, photo credits: Marcel van Hoorn
Translation Ineke, edited by Alice Leung.
André Rieu turns 75 today.
How does André Rieu celebrate his 75th birthday and what present does he hope for?
‘Marjorie was very secretive’
He treats his children and grandchildren to a delicious piece of gooseberry meringue pie in the
afternoon and in the evening they prepare dinner together in the kitchen. In between, he hopes for ‘a
lot of presents’. Here is a nutshell of the course of André Rieu’s 75th birthday.
There will be no sleeping in. Not even on the day he turns 75. Because André Léon Marie Nicolas Rieu is
not a late riser. And neither is his wife Marjorie. “We both wake up early.” So the start of this special day will
probably take place like all other days when he is at home. With a morning walk along the Kanaaldijk.
Together with the woman he will be married to for fifty years next year and their dogs Lewieke, Robbie and
On his own and Marjorie’s birthday, he never plans a concert with his Johann Strauss Orchestra. "Not to go
out for dinner or anything like that. No, for God's sake. On those days, I actually like being home. I'm
already on the road so much. For me, on a day like today, it's all about being together with my family. With
my two sons Marc and Pierre and their families."
Although he is actually blowing out the 75 candles today, he has already had two birthday parties. For
example, last Wednesday (Sept. 25th), one hundred and twenty festively dressed women were guests in
his garden for the presentation of the magazine Margriet, of which he had once been the guest editor. An
event that already looked ahead to his platinum birthday. Complete with streamers and balloons, a four-tier
birthday cake and a serenade by the St. Petrus & Paulus harmony orchestra from Wolder (district of
Maastricht). For the Margriet party, click HERE.
Dear friends
“On Saturday (Sept. 28th) I also gave a party for about fifty friends. Dear friends that I have known
almost my entire life. And next weekend (Oct. 5 and 6) we are going to the Efteling with all the employees of
the company, orchestra and their families for two days. Five hundred people in total. We did that five years
ago too. But back then for one day. Now for two days. Including a party night in between.”
Does that mean that he himself will also get on the Python (rollercoaster) or the Droomvlucht
(Dream flight)?
“No, I am the organizer. Together with three ladies from the orchestra. And that is a task you should not
underestimate. Try to have lunch with five hundred people at the same time at 12.30 pm in such a large
park as the Efteling! That is quite a challenge.” For the Efteling photo report, click HERE.
Although his phone will be ringing often, today is all about his family. "Dad always treats us to a delicious
piece of gooseberry meringue pie on his birthday," reveals his youngest son Pierre, who in turn bakes a
cake for his father. There will probably be no games of Skipbo or Uno today in Huis De Torentjes. "We are
not really into games. But Dad does love cooking together. And the grandchildren are allowed to help too.
He loves that."
Crazy about presents
According to junior (Pierre), senior (André) is also crazy about presents. But what do you buy for a man
who has everything and is showered with business gifts all year round? "Something that has been given
personal attention," says Pierre. "A sculpture or a poem. In our case, that quickly becomes a song. But you
can also touch his heart with a personal card that says what he means to you. Even more so than with a
bunch of flowers or a bottle of wine."
When asked what his best birthday present ever was, the birthday boy says: "Marjorie.
Even though it wasn't on my birthday."
He already has a dark brown suspicion about what he will receive from her and the children today. "We
came back from Colombia with the orchestra last week, where we were also given a bag of coffee beans.
But at home we only have a Nespresso machine with those capsules. So I said to Marjorie: we should
actually buy a machine that also allows us to make bean coffee. Then she said very mysteriously: "If I were
you, I would wait a little longer with that..."
Will it be a late one today? The birthday boy has no idea about that either. But no matter how the day goes,
Marjorie and he will probably end it with an episode of In aller Freundschaft - Die jungen Ärzte on ARD
(German TV). "We've been watching that every evening since the pandemic." Laughing: "Like an old
couple. Together on the couch."
Emma Kok, with her mother
and sister Sophie.
Maja, Gosia, Emma, Annabelle, Serena, Jennifer, Camila, Ҫisem
RTV Maastricht, October 5, 2024. By Marianne Lubrecht
Translated by Ineke, edited by Diana D. Le
It was a close call, but André Rieu was born in Maastricht after all, and not in
Amsterdam. He has been 75 since this week, which means he is just over halfway
through his allotted lifespan, because he hopes to reach 140. A portrait of the violinist,
orchestra leader, and Maastricht's greatest ambassador ever.
"I'll be filthy rich with my violin later"
The love and talent for music are undoubtedly in his genes. André Rieu comes from a family where
classical music determines life. His father is the conductor of the Limburg Symphony Orchestra and Rieu
started taking violin lessons at the age of five. "I'll be filthy rich with my violin later," he told classmate
Camille Oostwegel at secondary school. He studied at the conservatories of Maastricht, Liège, and
Brussels and gradually decided to give shape to his preference for lighter classical music. With
unsurpassed success, as it turns out. But that did not come easy to Rieu.
Pizzeria da André
He briefly considered starting a pizzeria in the city center of Maastricht. With a double role for himself: that
of chef, and that of the violinist who would perform technically well-composed pieces by this composer and
violinist at tables of guests who ordered pizza, named after the Italian Nicoló Paganini (1782-1840). It
turned out to be too complicated…
Maastricht Salon Orchestra
At the invitation of cellist Gemma Serpenti, Rieu joined a small orchestra that would soon be called the
Maastricht Salon Orchestra. They performed in small halls and retirement homes. On Ash Wednesday, this
orchestra performed the Hieringbiete (eating herrings) concerts in Maastricht. It is hard work (although very
nice). Especially, wife Marjorie (in addition to her job as a teacher, translator, and author) tirelessly takes
care of the business aspects. With results. Eventually, Rieu founded the Johann Strauss Orchestra in 1987,
with which he mainly performs in the Netherlands, Belgium, and Germany.
The big breakthrough comes on April 19, 1995 during the Ajax-Bayern Munich football (soccer) match. The
semi-final of the UEFA Champions League is played in the Olympic Stadium Amsterdam. At half-time, the
score is 3-1. The atmosphere is ecstatic because Ajax is hoping for the championship (not without reason,
as it turns out a month later). André plays “The Second Waltz” on the center spot, his own interpretation of
Shostakovich's “Waltz no. 2”. This performance can be seen by millions of viewers. "Rieu owes his success
to us," Ronald de Boer (soccer player) will later jokingly say. From now on, things are going well for him,
except for a few bumps.
Cycling to work
Concert series throughout Europe, the United States, and Japan follow. When Rieu performed in the Roda
Stadium in Kerkrade, Gerd Leers, the then mayor of Maastricht, got the idea that things could also take
place on this scale in Maastricht. The Vrijthof concerts were born. Initially with a mainly national audience,
now with 10,000 visitors per evening on the square plus 2,000 guests on the terraces around the Vrijthof.
Coming from around 80 countries. Rieu thinks it is masterful. Performing on the most beautiful square in the
world. Where the weather almost always cooperates (because Rieu has an angel on his shoulder and God
is also a Maastricht citizen…) “And then I can also cycle to work”, Rieu jokes.
Can it be a little more?
Everything about Rieu is big. Big in the superlative. Concerts with an average of 10,000 visitors. A guest
performance by 400 wind instruments. Not to forget the 150 dancing couples. The entire Mastreechter
Staar (male choir). The largest music decor in the world, after the famous Viennese Schloss Schönbrunn.
And not only large, but also large and of the best quality. The best soloists. The best instruments. The
most beautiful invitations. Think of the Coronation Party in Amsterdam (2013), King's Day in Maastricht
(2022), of the interpretation of “Het Wilhelmus” (Dutch National Anthem) on the grid at the Grand Prix in
Zandvoort in 2023. All this, says Rieu, to create an atmosphere in which the audience can optimally and
informally enjoy his compositions and presentation. Often including fireworks and confetti.
Passion, dedication, and discipline
To achieve this, nothing (and I mean nothing) is left to chance. Sound. Light. Clothing. Transport. Press.
No aspect escapes his attention. Rieu works with great passion, complete dedication, and discipline. He
expects all this from his employees as well. (It is remarkable that, despite this ultimate preparation, Rieu
has never lost his nervousness just before a performance).
Always a party
Ask anyone for a keyword that you could use to characterize (the success of) Rieu, and the same word
always follows: connection. Rieu is a man who creates connection and solidarity. Just look at what
happens during his concert. Visitors move, dance, talk, laugh, shed a tear in emotion, and are connected
to each other. Always a party. In this, Rieu, not only the most famous resident of Maastricht but also the
greatest ambassador of Maastricht, is an innovator. He has noticed a need in an unparalleled way – “I do
everything on intuition”, says André Rieu; “My father is a visionary,” says son Pierre Rieu – and responds
to that. He succeeds every time.
Giving is living
Rieu takes good care of the members of his Johann Strauss Orchestra and his other staff, 120 people in
total. As if they were family. In case of emergency, there is always a helping hand, even unsolicited. And in
silence. Even in love, Rieu has a guiding hand. “I was at the airport in Dublin after a series of concerts,
and I was very sad” says Frank Steijns. “Rieu asks what is going on. I explain to him that I really like
mezzo-soprano Madieke Schoots, but that I fear that a relationship will become too complicated because
she was not a permanent member of the Johann Strauss Orchestra and I am, and therefore tour 150 days
a year. And believe it or not, within a few minutes there was a solution. “Call her and offer her a one-year
contract,” Rieu said.” Long story short: Frank and Madieke got married in the city hall of Maastricht during
the corona period. “Only 5 people were allowed to be there. But the entire orchestra was there, spread out
over the Markt. With a glass of champagne in hand to wish us luck. See, that's what I mean.”
The king of the world
And that love is important to Rieu is also evident from his personal life. Rieu never fails to express his love
for his wife Marjorie time and again. He is the king of the world with her. “I knew it straight away, she is the
one, I want to continue with her.” And also: “Without her, nothing would have come of me.” The concerts,
the CD recordings, and everything that comes with it, they discuss everything. They are attuned to each
other, sense each other. They seem to effortlessly dance a complicated “pas de deux”.
Straight to the heart
It is very special that Rieu revealed a few years ago that his youth, to put it mildly, was not overflowing
with love. “I can't remember ever being hugged by my father.” His choice of music was not praised, his
later concerts were certainly not attended by his parents. Years of therapy followed, mainly with the aim
of protecting his own children from what he had to endure. “I can recommend it to everyone; it is not easy
but it makes you feel better.” For Rieu, the greatest compliment ever came from his children: that he is a
good father. Nothing touched his heart more than that.
Maastricht, the most beautiful city ever
In Maastricht – “the most beautiful city in the world” – Rieu experiences the joy of coming home time and
time again. Being at home in his hometown. He could live anywhere, but he invariably chooses
Maastricht. Where – unlike abroad – he can (still) walk around unhindered. On foot to the local
supermarket on Sint Pieter. And every summer, a long series of concerts on the Vrijthof, and recently also
the Christmas concerts in the MECC.
Rieu hopes to spend many more decades in “his” city. Because if there is one word he really hates, it is
the word retirement. Retirement, he honestly can’t stand to think about it. He does everything he can to
keep it at a distance. Every day, disciplined sports, abstaining from alcohol, and healthy (preferably
organic) food with – admittedly – the occasional piece of pie or home-made cake. But above all: doing
what your heart tells you, and in Rieu's case that is: surrounding yourself with music, your beloved
(orchestra) family, and the most beautiful city. Congratulations and many more years to come.
Lord of the castle
Festive boat trip on the river Maas (Meuse)
October 8, 2024.
O my goodness, do they never stop partying? We had assumed that the birthday festivities had come to an
end after 2 days at Efteling with 500 people. But then we see images on Facebook (posted by Maja, flutist)
of another party on Tuesday October 8, on a Maas cruiser!
Pierre solved the mystery by posting the following video on Instagram. It was footage for a new
cinema special, which will be shown in cinemas/ theaters in April 2025.
Where is
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