For the first time in Montevideo, the capital city of
Uruquay, two sold out concerts.
In Chile André and the orchestra received a big cake
to celebrate four sold out concerts in Santiago the
capital city of Chile. 250,000 tickets.
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Libertango, composed by Astor Piazolla, played on bandoleon by Carlos Bueno.
Dancers: Lola Gutierrez Rey and Emmanuel Marin. Youtube by Agustin Alvarez.
La Boca, colorful part of Buenos Aires.
Algemeen Dagblad, October 20, 2022.
By Peter Schouten. Translation: Ineke/John.
André Rieu waltzes Argentines through the crisis
Tonight André Rieu will conclude his tour through South America in Buenos Aires. In sold-out halls, it really
whips up the Latinos. “I want to continue for another thirty years.”
When you look at the economic situation in Argentina, you will undoubtedly be surprised that the Maestro
from Maastricht easily fills the Movistar Arena here for three evenings.
The economy is a drama. Inflation has risen as much as 100 percent this year and almost half of the
Argentines now live below the poverty line. But the average Argentinian now knows how to survive and just
waltzes his troubles away. Ten thousand frenzied porteños – the inhabitants of Buenos Aires – cheer on
Rieu and his Johan Strauss Orchestra as if the World Cup has just been decided by Lionel Messi. The right
hands go wildly gesticulationg up in the air, and the whole thing regularly looks like a swirling football
After two concerts in Uruguay – which was on his itinerary for the first time – and no less than four in Chile,
it is now a ball in the land of the tango.
100,000 visitors
In Chile, the Johan Strauss-adept has been performing successfully for years, so it was more exciting as to
what the critisisms in Uruguay would be.
“An contagious music feast performed with an uncompromising professionalism where he seemed to have
won over the audience in advance. Rieu is one of the biggest stars of contemporary music", said the
Uruguayan newspaper El País, who reviewed him.
During this South America tour, no less than 100,000 visitors came to his concerts (note IC: in Uruquay??).
“Isn't that amazing? Every time, though. You never get used to it, so many people," says Rieu a day before
the concert.
"That as a loner you can enchant 15,000 people and takes them from one emotion to another. No, that
doesn't give a kick like: he needs that applause.”
In his own words, he can put things into perspective: After 35 years he simply knows what works and what
doesn't appeal to his audience, in other words, a combination of humor, beautiful music and happiness.
“People ultimately all over the world want the same thing: a nice life, love, attention and earning a little
money,” says the violinist. The latter is difficult in the economically troubled Argentina. Due to, among other
things, considerable exchange rate problems, the money has become less valuable since the
announcement of the concerts.
“Yes, we don't make much money here. I don't think we need to commit either, but still.....
At the same time, I am so that I still will come.”
Personal trainer
Rieu doesn't benefit much from Buenos Aires, except that the steaks are a bit tough so far.
"I hate bumping through a city in a car, I don't like that." So the king of the waltz spends his time mainly in
his large suite in the hotel where the personal trainer who travels with him, tries to keep him fit every day.
“It's sleeping and exercising. Next to this are the instruments of torture," he points in his hotel room to the
adjoining room. Strength training and muscle building every day is the motto. "I want to be fresh on stage
and have to show what the body can still do. I want to continue for another thirty years. Surely that should
be possible. No, we are not going to retire anyway."
Argentinian Lucia knows what to expect tonight. It is her fourth concert with her granddaughters Candela
and Maria. When asked about the magic of Rieu, the three ladies beam from ear to ear. “We love his
repertoire and the great energy.” Is the energetic entertainer also a bit Latino? ,,Si! The cheerfulness and
passion splash off with him.”
The repertoire again includes well-known works such as "An der schönen blauen Donau, Nessun Dorma
and the Radetzky March."
The land of the tango embraces the music of Rieu. "By the way, I'm not much of a tango fan myself, but
hey, it's popular here of course." And a smart entrepreneur like him, responds to that. The aisles are now
littered with balloons and Argentines who can no longer sit still in their seats for the last half hour. The tango
encore “Libertango” by the Argentinean great Astor Piazzolla creates a frenzied atmosphere. André Rieu
simply speaks the universal language of enthusiasm, again tonight.
The entire circus – where tonight alone are already 175 people involved – will then continue on to Tel Aviv
(Israel) and settle in his Maastricht via, among other places, Central and Eastern Europe. In mid December
the Christmas concerts are planned there again. Instead of a melancholic tango, it becomes a skater's
waltz. After the show - with an alcohol-free German beer on the table - he laughs when he hears that the
Argentines think he is a real passionate Latino. "Me Latino? Well, no, I'm just going to remain a Limburger."
Anthony Chávez Mancisidor, living in Peru,
attending concerts in Chile.
Movistar Arena Buenos Aires. You think a few people like this man???
The tango couple Emmanuel Marin and Lola Gutierrez
Rey are dancers from Mar del Plata, who closed the show
with the interpretation of the theme 'Libertango' by Astor
Piazzolla before more than 15,000 spectators.