Carmen Monarcha Soprano, page 1.
Relationship. In September 2013 Carmen wrote on Facebook that she was in a relationship and she showed a photo. Congratulations to a lovely couple: Carmen Monarca and Octavio Augusto Oliviera.
May 5th 2013: performance in the Ballerup Super Arena, Denmark. On May 5th 2013 André Rieu and the JSO performed in the Ballerup Super Arena, near Copenhagen,Denmark. Carmen appeared to have a zipper mishap in her red dress. André reacted naughty and charming!
Carmen Monarcha will perform a concert with the Symphony Orchestra of the City Ponta Grossa in Brazil on April 21. She'll also perform the show "These Women" on April 24 at 9 PM, Theatro da Paz, in Belém do Pará, Brazil. Tickets now for sale in Brazil.
Rudolfo Schneider wrote us: “I attach below, four links (YouTube videoclips) regarding the presentation of our dear Carmen Monarcha in Curitiba, on March 8th 2012, International Women Day. The show is called: These Women; in addition to her participation in our 12th fan meeting the next day. Amigos de André Rieu & JSO – Brasil. You can also see an interview with Carmen's mother and with Rudolfo Schneider”.
Performance by Carmen Monarcha, in Curitiba, Brasil, March 2012.
On September 18th 2011, Brazilian fans attended a recital by Carmen Monarcha, at the Teatro Positivo in the city of Curitiba, Brazil. Carmen was accompanied by pianist Gilberto Tinetti. After the recital Carmen posed for photos with fans and provided autographs. Carmen told the fans that her contract with André and the JSO had ended. She hopes to join them again on their Brazilian tour next year, on a free lance basis.
We thank Rudolfo Schneider for the videoclip of the recital. Carmen performed works by Franz Liszt and Heitor Villa-Lobos (a Brazilian composer).
The day before the recital on September 17th 2011, the Brazilian fans celebrated their 10th André Rieu fan gathering in Curitiba (SC). There is no doubt about their love for André, JSO and (ex) sopranos.
From the Brazilian newspaper " Gazeta do Povo". September 2011. Thanks to John, Ineke and Arie Bussemaker, who worked together on the translation from Portuguese to English. Classical music making friends. Former soloist of André Rieu's orchestra (Carmen Monarcha) motivates the fan meeting in Curitiba, (Santa Catharina), Brazil. Fans of the Dutch maestro André Rieu exalt to the informal tone of his presentations, which is often criticized by "purists" of classical music. A trombone player balances his trombone on his chin during the Strauss Waltzes medley. For that he receives a flower which he then devours. The audience laughs while watching the concert played in front of a baroque castle, where the stage is decorated with flower arrangements and gold trim and where the orchestra members are dressed in tuxedos and multicolored formal dresses. The scene in question is one of the latest of the concert called "Roses from the South," (recorded on the flower island of Mainau in Germany) by André Rieu, who also used this title on his DVD. The fan group gathered on Sept. 17th, 2011 in restaurant Santa Felicidade, in Curitiba. There were many in the queue with DVDs. Other DVDs such as "I lost my heart in Heidelberg" and "Live in Sydney" were also being played. Rudolfo Schneider, the host of the 10th meeting of the Friends of André Rieu and the Johann Strauss Orchestra was visibly moved throughout the meeting. The fans intended to play the DVDs throughout the meeting, which started at 10 am and continued until late afternoon. Rudolfo suggested: "Let's make an official photo of the meeting of "the Friends of André Rieu", held in Curitiba. The “friends of André Rieu”, a group of about 160 people, gathered to exchange information about the Dutch conductor/ violinist by e-mail and Facebook. The meeting was scheduled to coincide with the concert date of soprano Carmen Monarcha, scheduled the next day (Sept.18th) at the Teatro Positivo. Carmen was a soloist in the orchestra of André Rieu for about ten years. She had wonderful performances on the DVD "Roses of the South", said Rudolfo. Rudolfo was responsible for today’s location, the decorations and the assembly of the group for a group photo. This photo will be forwarded to André's official website as an entry for the contest of “best fan photo". The group already has a winner, who displayed a laser engraved crystal alongside DVDs. Amongst the flags of Brazil and the Netherlands there were banners with the names of Rieu and Carmen Monarcha, and posters of other soloists of Carla and Suzan. The group gathered around a small white car, loaned by the store especially for the photo, and adorned with pictures and signatures of Rieu and Carmen, and messages written by all present with a special crayon.  All people wanted to take a photo of them with the car and asked for a volunteer photographer. Within a few seconds the reporter of the Gazeta do Povo had five cameras hanging from his arms…. Engagement “This all is because we want visibility”, says Angela Momm, from Blumenau (SC). “It’s a movement to bring André Rieu to Brazil. We want to make him aware of the Brazilian fans”, says an outspoken gold member fan, showing off a gold card, stamped with a picture of the Dutch violinist. Angela also wears a violin-shaped golden brooch with the words "Gold Member". She explains that a yearly annuity of 50 Euros to the official website, supplies her directly with news straight from Maastricht, the birthplace of the violinist. When the violinist was in Sao Paulo in 2009 (bookstore Saraiva), Angela obtained his autograph and she appeared in the TV show da Rede Globo with André Rieu in Domingao do Faustao. Sociability “Today’s  meetings are meant to get acquainted with the friends of André Rieu in Brazil”, says Rejane Rodacki. To meet, to talk, to travel, to share a hobby. We love the same music, we become friends. Today, our group is more involved, our friendship was awakened by conductor Andre Rieu. People who like to the same kind of music", she says. Edison Drefahl from Rio Negrinho (SC), thinks the fans have something in common. "It all has to do with relaxation, tranquility and the identification of the group. Our children have left the parental house to start their own lives. They moved to other cities. Then it is nice to meet new people of the same age, level and interests". Asked if the Friends would all go to the concert of Carmen, wearing T-shirts adorned with buttons of Rieu and Carmen, he replied: “Probably not…. André's concerts are not formal. You go there for something more joyful, happier. The traditional classical music is different, more formal", says Drefahl, who usually does not attend classical concerts. Against the purists The rows in the center part of the small auditorium of the Theatro Positivo had been reserved for Sunday morning. About 90 friends waited for Rieu's Carmen Monarcha, while pianist Gilberto Tinetti explains the concert which has works of Franz Liszt, Villa-Lobos and Para Waldemar Henrique (1905-1995. Each presentation was warmly received by the audience, one of the largest in the concert series of Sunday at the Campos do Positivo. "This kind of responsiveness happens everywhere", Carmen said. "In April I sang in the Sala Sao Paulo, one of the more traditional theaters there. It was the same at the end".  We have warm applauses every time. After the concert, the fans who wanted autographs and photographs stood in a queue for about an hour and a half. Carmen talks about her audiences. She knows that the Rieu fans react differently than to the traditional classical music. She criticizes the "purists" who think that André Rieu makes a superficial show and degrades the classical music. But that is not true. It is a good difference to classical traditions." All these people who attended the Sunday morning concert heard Liszt. They liked it and will come back. This opens a network and people will gradually become more familiar with classical music. The stigma with the Rieu concerts come from the show, the entertainment and the humor. I think this is fundamental”, says Carmen. "Some purists think that is wrong, damned if they do think so"… she jokes.
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