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A video clip dated July 21, 2014, about the dismantling of the Italian Vrijthof décor, created for the
10th Vrijthof concert in 2014, with the theme “Italy / Venice”.
From June 20 to June 24, 2016, the Limburg TV channel L1 broadcast a series of programs:
The L 1 Rieu week.
Duration of these episodes: 30 minutes.
Translation by Ineke, edited by Entia Shadwell
Monday, June 20, 2016. The 1st episode is about the top 10 highlights list in André’s career. For
instance: the performance for Queen Beatrix in the caves of Valkenburg,
Sir Anthony Hopkins’ waltz, Coronation Day in 2013, and at number 1:
Benny Neyman with the Ode to Maastricht.
Tuesday, June 21st, 2016. The 2nd episode: André Rieu across the world.
André performs in many countries and even more cities across the world. He tells special stories about
being “on the road”. A long and interesting interview by Jo Cortenraedt.
(*) If you like to know what is meant with the “corset”, click HERE to watch the interview “How to stay fit” in
which Ruud Gransier, André’s personal coach, gives an explanation.
Wednesday June 22 and Thursday June 23, (episodes 3 and 4) were broadcasts of the
Bucharest concert, part one and part two.
L1 blocked their website to review the episodes.
We understand that the official DVD will be released soon.
If you like to see something of the Bucharest concerts 2015,
Please click HERE for the Avro/TROS broadcast.
The 5th and last episode of the L1 Rieu-week, on Friday June 24, is titled:
André Rieu on the Vrijthof (2016).
How does André and the orchestra members prepare for the Vrijthof concerts?
A view behind the scenes.
Besides: the biography “My music, my Life” was released in the Maastricht dialect.
Translation by Ineke, edited by Entia Shadwell.
Han Scheuerman, assisted with the the Maastricht language.
Thanks Han and Entia!!
Theo Bovens: governor of the province of Limburg, Annemarie Penn- te Strake: Mayor of Maastricht,
Bastiaan Klomp: manager of the Kruisheren Hotel.
Interviewer: Jo Cortenraedt.
Kruisheren Hotel
André Rieu studios